Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Deb Strain

Deb Strain
Deb and her husband Scott, currently live in their new hometown of Yellow Springs, Ohio. With one of their three children on the East Coast, one on the West Coast, and the third next door, life is filled with long-distance calls, traveling and helping watch the twin grandsons that live next door!
A design for Moda Fabrics since 1996, Deb feels honored to have watched Moda’s growth and success over the years. “Moda’s integrity and genuine caring about quilters, the quilting industry and their designers has always been part of why I love working with this wonderful company. That and the “best in the business” members of the Moda family have made it an incredible journey.”
Drawing and painting her fabric designs by hand, Deb has created over one-hundred collections since she began working with Moda. She loves working with different colors and patterns, the more intricate the better!
A life-long passion for art led Deb to teaching art before becoming a designer. Her artwork has been featured on many different products over the years – calendars, greeting cards, garden flags, books, framed prints and more. Recently, she and Scott proudly launched a line of notecards for sewing and quilting enthusiasts titled “Sew Noted”.
With traveling to see her children, creating new fabrics and collections, and other types of new art, Deb’s life is happily filled with color, creativity and lots of hugs!
Classic Basics Metro Style Rubystar Christmas