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WEEK 5: Figgy Pudding + Applesauce Cross
WEEK 5: Figgy Pudding + Applesauce Cross
This is part 5 of a 13 part quilt-along series. Find the rest of the posts in this series by clicking on the links at the end of this post.
Welcome to Week 5! Oda May had something else planned for this week, but based on the chatter on the Facebook group, we know many of you are itching to get that center block made. So we are helping you out and bumping this block up in the schedule. We also have some more Applesauce Cross blocks to hammer, as well. Your stack of those should be piling up nicely by now but don't worry - we have more to go! ;)
Some notes:
- Use a scant ¼” seam.
- Depending on your cutting method, you may have extras each week of common sizes used throughout the quilt. I suggest you label a couple of plastic bags for “2½″ squares” and “2⅞” squares” so you can make use of the extras another week.
{from Figgy Pudding Quilt by Vanessa Goertzen}
*NOTE: This block is great for fat quarters as Vanessa designed it in her quilt. If you'd like to use fat quarters, hop on over to that post and follow her cutting instructions there.
Select 3 Layer Cake Squares. Set one aside.
From 1 Layer Cake square, cut (4) 4½" squares
From 1 Layer Cake square, cut (9) 2½" squares
- (1) 10" square
- (8) 2½" squares
- (4) 2½" x 8½" strips
This is a technique for Half-Square Triangles (HSTs) that you may not have seen before! Once you try it, you will love it. It's great for Layer Cakes and definitely one to add to your bag of quilting tricks.
HALF-SQUARE TRIANGLES (HSTs): Mark a diagonal line on the back of the 10" square of background fabric to form an 'X'. Use a ruler to draw an additional set of lines to divide the square into four equal (5" square) sections. Place a marked square right sides together with the 10" square of FABRIC A, aligning raw edges. Sew 1/4" away from the diagonal on both sides, on both diagonals.

FOUR-PATCH SQUARES: You will need (8) 2½" print squares and (8) 2½" squares of background fabric. Sew together in pairs and press toward the print. Sew two pairs together and press the seams.
Gather together the 4½" squares, the half-square triangles, and the four patch-squares. Sew the blocks into rows and press the seams. Sew the rows together; press the seams. Make 4.
Arrange the 4 blocks as indicated below--with a 2½" x 8½" strip of background fabric separating them, and (1) 2½" square in the center. Sew the block into their rows and press the seams. Sew the rows together; press the seams. Unfinished block should measure 18½" square.
{from Applesauce Quilt by Lauren Terry}
NOTE: The quilt features 64 Applesauce Cross blocks spaced out over the quilt-along. You can either make them all at once or make a few at a time.
From accent fabric, cut:
Cut (6) 1½” x 11½” strips
From background fabric, cut:
Cut (6) 6½” squares
Make Applesauce Cross Blocks
1. Cut 6½” square in two along the diagonal.
2. Mark the center of each triangle and accent fabric strip. Line up marks on strip and one triangle and pin. Sew and press.
3. Align marks on opposite edge of strip and remaining triangle. Pin, sew, and press.
4. Press and trim to 6½” square.
Make (6) 6½” unfinished Applesauce Cross blocks.
WEEK 1: Intro to QAL + Fabric Reqs
WEEK 2: Prairie Rose Garden + 8 Applesauce Cross
WEEK 3: Tropical Punch + 6 Applesauce Cross
WEEK 4: Churn Dash
WEEK 5: Figgy Pudding + 6 Applesauce Cross {this post}