Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Jumping In the QAL

Jumping In the QAL

Written by: 
Oda May


{by @materialgirlquilts | Amanda Castor}

Many of you have tagged us on social media to share your fabric choices for our ABC Birthday quilt along. Some of you have even finished your quilt top! But if you haven't gotten started yet, never fear. You have plenty of time to join us. In fact, this week would be a great time to start because we are going to pick our first prize winner. Yes, that's right! Prizes!

To enter, do one or more of the following:

  • Comment below with some info about the quilt you are making - fabric choice, phrase, etc. Feel free to link up to your blog if you have shared sketches or photos of your progress
  • Tag us on Instagram with a photo of your sketch or fabric choice (@modabakeshop)

If you want to join us but missed the details, click {here}.


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