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Taking Embroidery on the Road

Taking Embroidery on the Road

Written by: 
Linzee McCray

I'm old enough to remember the last time that embroidery was "a thing," and I've still got the overalls and chambray shirts covered with chain-stitched butterflies and French knot flowers to prove it. So it's been a real pleasure for me to see the revival of interest in embroidery, along with all the lovely new threads, needles, and other tools that go with it. While embroidery's great any time of the year, it's especially perfect for travel. With summer vacation in full swing, several of Moda's designers have offered to share tips and tricks for taking embroidery on the road.

First up are Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs. They have been traveling big-time this summer, teaching in Australia (you can see photos of their adventures via their Instagram account). Before they left, Barb was kind enough to share some tips.

Barb and Mary Photo Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs

I found this wonderful 3 pocket zipper case a few years ago and it's become a favorite. I may have found it at the container store but I really can't remember. It's compact and slips into my carry on tote bag perfectly!
Photo One Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs
The first pocket holds my fabric ...
Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs
The second pocket holds my supplies. My hoop, scissors and a small needle case made for me by Karla at Sweetwater!!
Photo Three Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs
The third pocket holds my floss ...
Photo Four Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs
 And we can't forget these!!
Photo Five Photo Two Me & My Sister Designs
 Safe travels!
Next up is Kathy Schmitz.

The thought of idle hands while on the road sends chills down my spine.  I might not remember to bring my toothbrush, but I will ALWAYS  have a project to work on.  If it’s going to be a short day trip I will pack up my little Bunny in the Briars notion keep.

Scissors, needles, thread and project all fit nicely in the zippered pouch.
unnamed-2However, if this is a trip lasting more then a few hours, this little pouch won’t be big enough.  I have a fear of running out of things to do, so typically I overpack where projects are concerned. For major road trips I bring a little suitcase just for projects.
I feel like Mary Poppins with all the stuff I can cram inside!
The only thing missing?  My favorite stitching companions… my kittens Sammy and Sosie. Sammy likes to chill under works in progress.
Sosie thinks the suitcase is a perfect napping spot for her.
Remember, it’s better to have too many projects then not enough!  So pack freely!
Finally, let's hear from Kaari Meng of French General, who has been doing her stitching in France.
Ever since I can remember I have loved taking needle to cloth—it is something that I can do anyplace and take anywhere! This past year French General began designing stitching samplers, as well as a collection of embroidery floss for Cosmo Threads.
Our Chateau Getaway trips to the south of France every summer have us stitching in all the small cafés and bistros...while sipping a café au lait!

Floss-La-MerSo, how about you? Do you take embroidery along when you travel? Have any hints or must-have products to share with us? Happy trails!


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