Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Training the rookie...

Training the rookie...

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For those of who have wondered - and asked - what Lissa has been up to these past few weeks, that's the line she used this morning.

The time has sure flown by.


It’s like I blinked and four weeks were done. I know! I can’t believe it either… four weeks in and I’m still not entirely sure how the voicemail works. The upside is that I don’t get too many calls, probably because I keep forgetting my phone number and extension when asked. One step at a time, right?

While I still feel like I wish I knew more about everything, I have learned a lot. I have learned to avoid the “flyover” ramp from the toll-way to I-35 in the morning and I know three different ways to work, two of which go by a Starbucks. I have learned that the weather in Dallas can be predicted using a Magic 8 ball – we've had a high of 38 one day and a high of 78 a few days later.

I already knew that the people here are smart, crazy-genius-talented, generous, and funny, but now I can add supportive, patient and welcoming to the list. When the list of required elements for a “dream job” is compiled, every one of their names is on that list.


Your names are too.

To everyone who followed me here on this adventure, thank you. And to everyone who is trying to figure out who this very chatty Moda rookie is, thank you too. I read every comment and I’ve been making notes about what you’d like to read about… and learn about, and hear about. And okay, see.

So this is what’s coming…

Fabric. From new fabric and Bella Solids to the idea-to-fabric process, it’s all “in the works”. Because some things here are done so far in advance, I’m taking pictures of things that won’t be ready to show until late this summer. So I’ve haven’t forgotten, some eggs just take longer to hatch.


Notions. And I can add books and patterns to this list. I’ve already started pestering certain people about when some of the new books will be arriving so I can have a look-see. Next week, I’ll have some ideas on where and how to find some of the “cool tools” I love so much. (By the way, those mini scissors were by Sullivan and they’re adorable. They’re about 2 ½” long – the whole scissor, not just the blade.)

Moda. Pictures - I’ll see what I can do. From the notions warehouse to the rows of pre-cuts, they’re all on the list. I’m also taking pictures of how things get prepped for Market, though you won’t see any of that until after. (If you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll see if I can stash some of the upcoming giveaway totes for you.)

There really is a lot coming.

It also won’t be just me. Linzee McCray and Sherri McConnell will continue to write for The Cutting Table. Sherri and I have an idea that will be fun and “challenging” but that probably won’t happen until this summer. Linzee will be here every other week to write about all sorts of things. There are people and subjects that she knows far better than I do – as in, she knows about them and I don’t - and I love the different perspective that she brings.

Now… about the office.


This is the corner where I work.  A couple of people thought I should have the computer put on the other end to enjoy the window but this has worked out perfectly as distractions from the hallway are lessened by the cabinet.  It's been funny that people actually have to peer in to see if I'm here... it's been suggested that I get one of those round mirror-things people use in driveways.

The shelves are still empty but I've been assured that it won't be long before I'll be looking for space to put things.  A file cabinet and some drawers are coming soon, they'll go under the counter.


But it isn't bare... Susan donated the three tin storage boxes and the quilt books were on the old bookshelves.  The fabric on the shelves - and in the picture above - was in a big box I found in the corner before the remodel.  Half-yard cuts that I took home and cut into fat quarter bundles.  I'm sure we'll think of something to do with them...


There has been a steady stream of people through since it was finished last week… lookie-loos. They all say the same thing – it looks so much bigger than it did before.

The balance ball thing under the counter in the corner is what many of the ladies here use for "office chairs".  Of course, they also do yoga.  The blocks and the big spool are from last Fall's Market booth, they were "rescued" from storage along with the funky metal stool - thank you, Tammy for the help with that.

While I love it and I’m quite comfortable, thank you… it will always be “Lissa’s office” to me. She laughs when I tell her that but the offer stands – if / when she wants it back, I will happily move everything in both offices.

Except the chairs.  I'm keeping those.

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